Monday, 13 February 2012


When I wake up in the morning the first thing that comes to my mind isn’t coffee. When thousands of teenagers wake up it’s a ‘spliff’. Take Monday for example. Its 9am and I’m up and ready for college. There’s a cannabis joint left over from the night before. I’m not in a bad mood, but then again I’m not in a particularly good one either. It was probably all that smoking last night that caused it. What the hell, I was happy weren’t I?
Now I’ve got a decision to make. Should I smoke it now? What about later? I can’t get any more money, I should definitely save it. Oh what the hell its Monday, I need a break. A little bit like the one I had at the weekend. Roll it up and let’s go I can smoke it on the way to college. Half way there I’m feeling good, a little under confident, but good. I know it’s probably not the best time to think about it... But all I want to do is go home and get blazed. Pfft fat chance. I’ve got some work to do.
Long day at college, can’t say it was particularly fun. But now what? I’m home, bored. What can I do I think to myself? You guessed it; it’s time to fire one up. Damn, I’m out of grade. It’s going to be another one of them days. It doesn’t take much to start me off nor does it take much to make it worse. But I am getting angry. I can’t make out if its anger or frustration. I’m frustrated that I have no weed and I’m even angrier I can’t afford to get any.
Now we’ve got a dilemma. Where am I going to get some money? I already owe all of my friends and can’t afford to tick anymore. Aaa… ‘Ticking’, that’s another subject for later. It’s like a tab, for weed. You take it and pay later, sort of like them catalogue offers you see on the television, buy now, pay next week. Pretty similar except from one major difference, you won’t be going to court if you can’t afford to pay this one, think closer along the lines of hospital.
Anyway this dilemma still needs solving. I head to my girlfriends house, perhaps she will have money. It’s only when I get there I realise she hasn’t. I don’t know why I expected she would have; maybe it was more hope than anything. There’s nothing like withdrawal to put you in a bad mood and that’s what I’m in now. The burning sensation from the gut, that’s how I know I’m about to lose it. My temper I mean. It’s probably the same for 99% of cannabis smokers. I need help; I sit and think to myself. It’s no use, it isn’t help I want, its weed and that’s what I’m going to have, one way or another.
It’s a sad situation I’m afraid. Not just for me but for thousands of other teenagers like me. I mean I don’t mean to stereotype but we all know the effects of cannabis. What about the atmosphere surrounding the drug? What do I mean? Well you can’t buy it from a shop, so where do you get it from, more importantly who do you get it from. Surely ending up with a cheap substitute of the drug is far worse than the actual drug itself.
Let’s take a typical day. I’ve finished college and head over to my mates flat. I won’t reveal his name for obvious reasons. On this occasion I have managed to acquire the small £10 to buy a couple of joints. From my Nan probably, bless her. I pull up outside and head to the main door of the flats, I can smell the pungent smell of cannabis from outside, don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, if you ask me I think it smells natural. Anyway I make it inside. If I haven’t mentioned it by now I’m feeling happier by the minute. I can’t explain why, it’s a funny thing is the mind; the smallest things can make such an impact. The thought of relaxation and happiness in the palm of my very own hand just makes me want to smile.
What about the act itself? What can I say? It’s a great feeling. A feeling of excitement yet nervousness, I guess that’s where the paranoia comes in. The reason I smoke comes down to stress. No matter how angry I get I know when I’m sitting in my bedroom, smoking weed and playing games, there nowhere else I’d rather be. It’s an escape from reality. An illusion that makes things seems ok. After all, that is what we all want isn’t it? Everything to be ok. I often sit and wonder what my life would be like if I was weed free, it doesn’t really bare thinking about, let’s just say it would be like losing a friend, a good one at that.
Where was I? Oh yeah, firing one up with my mates. What can I say about my mates? Well let’s take my dealer for example; he’s just the same as me if not worse. The burning desire to smoke cannabis has also affected his cagey existence. The average day consists of buying, selling and smoking dope. He’s younger than me, only an 18 year old lad. Did I mention his 1 year old daughter? She lives with her mother of course; I mean how can you juggle being a dealer while trying to be a father? Maybe he just doesn’t want to.
That brings me on to ambition, or rather lack of it. We all know cannabis makes you lazy and tired, I mean that’s the idea of relaxation. However smoking weed crushes your sense of ambition and leaves you with a complete lack of motivation often resulting in foul moods and a general idea that you’re going nowhere in life. That’s not healthy is it? No it isn’t.

Saturday, 11 February 2012


Even MILD hydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 40%

.. One glass of water shuts down hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters

.. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

.. Lack of water is the #1 cause of constipation.

.. Lack of water is the # 1 cause false signs of dementia
or memory loss.

.. Dehydration mimics heart attack symptoms.

.. Water clears the complexion and removes impurities from the body.

.. Water aids in & improves digestion.

.. 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease
back and joint pain for 80% of sufferers & lubricates joints

.. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short term memory,
confusion, trouble with basic math and difficulty focusing on computer screen or
printed page

.. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily, decreases the risk of
colon cancer by 45% plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by
79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

.. If You Wait Until You're Thirsty, to drink, You're Already Dehydrated

.. Water regulates your body's temperature.

.. Elderly people often feel chilled in the heat because they do not drink
enough water.

.. You cant depend on thirst as a signal to drink. Having a dry mouth is
a later sign of dehydration. Only as dehydration progresses do you notice
that you're thirsty. In addition, the thirst sensation also diminishes with
age so you may not know you are thirsty.

Becoming dehydrated can be serious enough to cause a stroke! “
Most of us do not drink enough water, and as a result, our blood becomes
more viscous, increasing the likelihood that a clot will suddenly form at the
site of a plaque formation� American Medical Assoc.

How do you know you are dehydrated? Symptoms include :

.. dizziness
.. headache
.. dark urine (may have a strong odor)
.. inability to urinate
.. dry mouth and nose
.. weakness
.. chills
.. fatigue
.. nausea and vomiting
.. dry mouth and tongue

Dehydration Symptoms in the Elderly:

.. Dehydration symptoms in the elderly can be different than in young
adults. Medications that the elderly take are much more likely to lead to
dehydration in that population. One particular symptom of dehydration
more pronounced in the elderly is poor skin elasticity. When the skin is
pinched, it holds its form rather than returning to its normal shape.

How much water have you had today?

Thursday, 9 February 2012





Kitten on the PROWL - CUTE KITTEN


The World’s Funniest Real Ads Believe it or not, these ads actually found their way into newspapers all over the world:

Braille dictionary for sale. Must see to appreciate.

FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000.00 or best offer. No longer needed. Got married last weekend. Wife knows everything.

Help wanted, singer for rock band. Must be female or male.

For sale, Hope Chest, brand new, half off, long story.

Help wanted, adult or mature teenager to baby-sit. One dollar an hour.

Lost: small brown poodle. Reward. Neutered. Like one of the family.

For sale: a quilted high chair that can be made into a table, potty chair, rocking horse, refrigerator, spring coat, size 8 and fur collar.

Four-posted bed, 101 years old. Perfect for antique lover.

Wanted: Part-time married girls for soda fountain in sandwich shop.

Man wanted to work in dynamite factory. Must be willing to travel.

Christmas sale. Handmade gifts for the hard-to- find person.

Wanted, man to take care of cows that does not smoke or drink.

Three-year old teacher needed for pre-school. Experience preferred.

Wanted. Widower with school-age children requires person to assume general housekeeping duties. Must be capable of contributing to growth of family.

Tired of working for only $9.75 per hour? We offer profit sharing and flexible hours. Starting pay: $7 -- $9 per hour.

Our sofa seats the whole mob and it’s made of 100% Italian leather.

Full sized mattress. 20 year warranty. Like New. Slight urine smell.

Nordic Track $300 hardly used, call Chubby. Joining nudist colony!

Must sell washer and dryer $300.

Open house body shapers toning salon free coffee and donuts

Found: dirty white dog. Looks like a rat... been out while. Better be reward.

Exercise equipment: Queen Size Mattress & Box Springs - $175.


Free Yorkshire Terrier: 8 years old. Hateful little dog.

Free puppies: ½ cocker spaniel, ½ sneaky neighbor’s dog.

Free puppies: part German Shepherd, part stupid dog.

German Shepherd, 85 lbs. Neutered. Speaks German.

Free. Snow Blower for sale…only used on snowy days.

Fabio Capello has RESIGNED as England Manager

Fabio Capello has FINALLY resigned as England mananger which will finally let the club move forward. The England Manager stepped down after a row over the sacking of John Terry as England captain. The news leaves Harry Redknapp as favourite to takeoever after being cleared of all charges of tax evasion.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

How To Stop Smoking

Write a list of the reasons why you want to stop, and keep them with you. Refer to them when tempted to light up. You may wish to read a separate leaflet in this series, called 'Smoking - The Facts'. This gives the reasons why smoking is so harmful and lists the benefits of stopping. Set a date for stopping, and stop completely. (Some people prefer the idea of cutting down gradually. However, research has shown that if you smoke fewer cigarettes than usual, you are likely to smoke more of each cigarette, and nicotine levels remain nearly the same. Therefore, it is usually best to stop once and for all from a set date.) Tell everyone that you are giving up smoking. Friends and family often give support and may help you. Smoking by others in the household makes giving up harder. If appropriate, try to get other household members who smoke, or friends who smoke, to stop smoking at the same time. A team effort may be easier than going it alone. Get rid of ashtrays, lighters, and all cigarettes. Be prepared for some withdrawal symptoms. When you stop smoking, you are likely to get symptoms which may include: nausea (feeling sick), headaches, anxiety, irritability, craving, and just feeling awful. These symptoms are caused by the lack of nicotine that your body has been used to. They tend to peak after 12-24 hours, and then gradually ease over 2-4 weeks. Anticipate a cough. It is normal for a smoker's cough to get worse when you stop smoking (as the airways "come back to life"). Many people say that this makes them feel worse for a while after stopping smoking and makes them tempted to restart smoking. Resist this temptation! The cough usually gradually eases. Be aware of situations in which you are most likely to want to smoke. In particular, drinking alcohol is often associated with failing in an attempt to stop smoking. You should consider not drinking much alcohol in the first few weeks after stopping smoking. Try changing your routine for the first few weeks. For example, don't go to the pub for a while if that is a tempting place to smoke and drink alcohol. Also, if drinking tea and coffee are difficult times, try drinking mainly fruit juice and plenty of water instead. Take one day at a time. Mark off each successful day on a calendar. Look at it when you feel tempted to smoke, and tell yourself that you don't want to start all over again. Be positive. You can tell people that you don't smoke. You will smell better. After a few weeks you should feel better, taste your food more, and cough less. You will have more money. Perhaps put away the money, which you would have spent on cigarettes, for treats. Food. Some people worry about gaining weight when they give up smoking, as the appetite may improve. Anticipate an increase in appetite, and try not to increase fatty or sugary foods as snacks. Try sugar-free gum and fruit instead. Don't despair if you fail. Examine the reasons why you felt it was more difficult at that particular time. It will make you stronger next time. On average, people who eventually stop smoking have made 3 or 4 previous attempts. Stop Smoking Clinics are available on the NHS. They have good success in helping people to stop smoking. Your doctor may refer you to one if you are keen to stop smoking but are finding it difficult to do so. Various medicines can increase your chance of quitting. These include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) which comes as gums, sprays, patches, tablets, lozenges, and inhalers. You can buy NRT without a prescription. Also, medicines called bupropion (trade name 'Zyban®') and varenicline (trade name 'Champix®') can help. These are available on prescription. See separate leaflets called 'Smoking - Nicotine Replacement Therapy', 'Smoking - Helping to Stop with Bupropion' and 'Smoking - Helping to Stop with Varenicline'.


Football is the only London 2012 event which has not sold out, with
approximately 1.5m tickets still available.

Football is still the biggest-selling sport at the games, but only 800,000 of
the 2.3m tickets have been sold.


There are so many of us who take breaks from the herb only to get back on it once we're feeling better.

I am listing all of the benefits that I have personally noticed since I have quit. My stats are: smoked off and on for 21 years (started at age 12), chronic for the last 5. I have not smoked in 31 days, and with the support of friends and family I hope to never go back to abusing the stuff.

Here are the benefits I have experienced. I invite you to add your own, or do your own inventory at home to keep you on track.

(Yes, I am aware that there is some overlap between different benefits I am listing.)

Clear thinking; breathe better; smoother mood transitions; sharper mental dexterity; more articulate; better memory; working through stress more effectively; increased energy levels;

reduced depression (after the first few weeks off); deeper interactions with others; no "bottomless pit" munching out; boosted confidence; no social anxiety; better focus on task at hand; enjoying simple pleasures more deeply; clear lungs;

no concern about hiding something from my son; less stress; increased faith in my ability to control myself; no risk of arrest or legal troubles; increased joy; renewed self-respect; more free time; need to sleep less; more free cash; confidence to try new things; increased humility: asking others for help; better partnership with my girlfriend;

better ability to learn and remember new songs (I'm a musician); can travel without paranoia of border checks; safer driving; ho hassles of finding good weed; no need to associate with shady dealers; not supporting organized crime; true bonds with friends rather than co-dependent drug abuse ties; better fitness level;

reduced consumption of resources (ex. hydro power to grow the weed, chemical sprays and fertilizers, lighters/matches, rolling papers); new doors opening to spirit world (somewhere I only used to get to via cannabis); increased self-confidence to be "alternative" in ways other than drug use; confidence to take on any task I set my mind to; ability to strike up conversation with anyone I choose without fear or insecurity; no paranoia; increased motivation for self-improvement; feeling of wholeness that is not reliant on an external source.

That's over 40 benefits that I have encountered. I'd love to hear yours. I know that people who are struggling through the early days of withdrawal can use all the encouragement they can get, so please keep them coming!


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How to make money online

Click the adverts around this page and I will reveal how to make money starting now.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Best key words to use when Blogging



CTR is the "click through rate" - the ratio of users who click ads compared to the number of visitors.So if you had 100 visitors and each visitor clicked one ad (100 ad clicks), then your CTR would be 100%.

That is actually not that terrific because the chance that every visitor clicks an ad is pretty small.Having your CTR go up isn't necessarily bad in and of itself, what's bad is if the CTR is out of whack on a realistic level.

For example, although there isn't really any way to predict an average CTR for any site, most of the time we see rates that are around 1 to 5 clicks per 100 impressions. Some sites will show a higher click rate, some a lower one. Neither would be particularly bad unless the clicks to impressions rate is extremely high, like perhaps 250 clicks and only 100 impressions.You earn money when people click ads, so yes, we do want people to click on our ads, but we cannot ask them to, nor entice them to do that - not in any way.

We can't draw attention to the ads, we shouldn't mention the ads (not to family, not to friends, etc.) As publishers what we want is for people to click an ad (on their own) if they are interested in the product being advertised, but we simply can't say that. Basically, the safest and best thing to do is put the ads on your site and nothing more - don't mention them, don't point them out, don't write an article about them.

Valid clicks are those that meet all Adsense's requirements for validity (don't ask, because we honestly don't know what ALL the requirements are, but there is a link below that lists some that adsense has given us). Invalid clicks are a number of different factors (again, we don't know all of what goes into making it invalid) such as (more obvious ones) clicks from your own IP address and/or computer (an accidental click which will happen to all of us, at least once); asking for clicks; visitors clicking an ad but maybe not actually letting the advertiser's page load (in other words, they clicked an ad but either didn't realize it was an ad, or clicked it accidentally) - and other things we just don't really know.


The Syndicate demo is currently available on PSN and Xbox Live and I can absolutely assure any fans of the original Syndicate games: it pretty much doesn't look or feel like a Syndicate game at all. Even someone who has never played the original Syndicate, but knows what kind of game it is, could tell that Starbreeze's new rendition might contain a few throwbacks here and there, but is a completely different game. However, this is to be expected considering that the game has shifted genres. For those who don't know what Syndicate is, it's an isometric tactical shooter from 1993 that delved into a cyberpunk-world run by 'syndicates.' The setting in the EA's new FPS version of Syndicate is pretty much the same and does involve sending the player on missions to capture, persuade, or kill people of importance. Even some of the tools used by the player are relatively similar as well (in terms of concept), but based on the game's new demo, it's really hard to tell how much of the game is really about using strategy or just shooting mindless enemies.


1) Pick a good Domain NameHaving a short, witty domain name is easier for readers to remember. It also helps to buy your own domain name, instead of using something at or It doesn’t cost much at all, looks much more professional, and is therefore worth the cost. Plus, advertisers tend to prefer domain names. Chances are, further down the line, you’d want your own domain name eventually. Transferring your blog to a new name can be difficult, tedious, and confusing for your readers. Getting one from the beginning avoids all of these issues.2) Customize Your LayoutDon’t just use a default layout. Tweak the design as much as you can, so that it reflects your personality. Make your own banner for the top (there are plenty of free, easy to use image editing programs and sites). Use colors and fonts that are easy for your visitors to read and pleasing to the eyes. (For example, red text on a bright blue background can hurt the eyes).3) Write quality contentWriting articles with substance attracts readers and keeps them coming back. Don’t just do giveaways and coupon lists. Pick a niche that is something you enjoy and something you know a lot about. The passion you have will find its way into your writing, make your blog posts enjoyable and appealing to readers.Advertiser’s like to see blogs with good content and lots of followers. Providing knowledgeable, helpful tips to your readers give them a reason to keep coming back. Writing quality content will help you build a stronger, more loyal reader base. With more consistent traffic, your blog will be more appealing to advertisers and they’ll be more eager to advertise on your blog, helping you earn more just from working at home.4) Do Your ResearchIf blogging is going to be your business, take the time to read up on strategies for getting traffic and optimizing your blog. Learn how to use an analytics program so you can measure your traffic. It’s not just about writing great content – you can write tons of great posts and not one of them will be read if you don’t learn how to get traffic to your blog.

Funniest Joke Ever

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?


was sleeping right? I woke up and I couldn't move. It felt like something had
placed something on top of me to keep me from moving. There was 2 figures in the
room with me. As they advanced twords me I saw that they were aliens. I began to
levitate. I know, it sounds like it's not real but I is! Then I
appeared in an operating room on top of a table. There were other people in the
room too. Eithor having their ears or noses drilled into or having their sperm
or an egg disected. It was disgusting. All around me was little baby aliens in
jars. I still could not move. A larger alien came to me and held a, what looked
like a shot, up to my arm. They injected it into me and I cringed. It hurt like
mad. I do not know what they did but later they took something large and
purpleish out of my arm from the exact spot. I have no idea what it was but it
sure did scare the hell outta me. I wish I could forget the whole thing but it
is quite impossible. I can no longer speak because they took out my vocal cords.
It was very painful. Everyone asks me to speak but I cannot. I cannot even tell
them what happened. The aliens just did not expect one thing; the power of a
computer. I type this same story to as many people as I can and I hope that by
posting it on the internet that my story will get through. Many people do not
believe me but I hope you understand and will consider this story as a
warning.Thank you for your help of spreading the news about aliens. I
really do apprectiate it and I hope that you will post this onto the internet
because I want people to be aware of what could happen to them.

Thank you for your help, I hope this gets through.


This Blog Post Will Make You More Money Guaranteed*Written by Posted in Make Money 22 comments7Share
emailprint*Provided you’re willing to work your ass off to create something people truly need.If that’s not you, leave now, this article has nothing for you.However, if you’re willing to get your hands dirty, by the end of this article you will learn exactly what it is that separates the successful from everyone else.The First Thing Nearly Every Entrepreneur Does Wrong.Before we start on doing things right, let’s first look at what nearly everyone in business does wrong. Focuses too much on Technology.You see it all the time, “I need to get on Facebook/Twitter/Youtube/Blogging/etcThey think the technology will be the cure to the problem, when really focusing too heavily on technology can cause more headaches than it’s worth.Without fail, when nothing comes from simply being represented on the platform, they either:Claim their customers aren’t there.Seek refuge on another platform, only to find the same outcome.Give up entirely and curse the technology as a whole.Here’s the thing about technology…It’s just a device to communicate a message.Blaming Facebook for failing to generate leads is like blaming a piece of paper for failing to make more sales.I can almost guarantee you that at some point in history, there was someone who said “We need to make this telephone thing work for our business.” which of course is silly when you think about it. The telephone is only a device, and has very little to do with the actual income generating part of your business.In short, technology is the least important aspect of your money making efforts. It’s important, just not as important as most people make it out to be.The Second Thing Nearly Every Entrepreneur Does Wrong.Next, nearly every entrepreneur thinks if they just have stellar marketing, they’ll sell a ton more product, and everything will be right in the world.Don’t make this mistake.Marketing by itself doesn’t make you money.I recently had a guest post for go viral netting 38k visitors in the first 2 days of being live, and eventually it got picked up by Google, and still, despite excellent marketing and exposure for myself and my business, it did not make me a single cent.Now, it is true that a killer marketing campaign can lead to a ton of sales of a shitty product.But the big money that’s made on the front end is usually lost on product returns, customer service issues, and in some cases, law suits.In short, if you’re marketing a bad product and you make a ton of money, at some point karma’s going to come around and bite you in the ass.The Most Important Thing Very Few Entrepreneurs Actually Get Right.The most important thing that very few entrepreneurs actually get right is the product itself.Sure, you put a product out, but how good is it really?How above and beyond does it go?It’s not about whether or not you’re able to set your personal best either,it’s about whether or not you’re delivering something that is of massive value to the market place.Think about the iPhone for a second. Whether or not you’re a user is irrelevant, because when the iPhone came out, it was undeniably one of the coolest, and most useful devices on the market.It allowed you to watch full length movies, surf the internet, listen to music, search for directions and more.“Marketing” for the iPhone didn’t really have to do much beyond just show you what it did.Really, that’s what makes a superior product. If you can simply put it in front of a person and they get excited about everything it does, that’s when you know you’ve created a superior product.What separates the truly great from everyone else is that they’re putting the time in to understand their customers wants and needs, then delivering a product that far exceeds their expectations.This is why Facebook killed Myspace, Twitter killed FriendFeed, and why Youtube still remains the Number 1 video sharing platform online in spite of countless imitators.Want to make more money GUARANTEED?Spend every hour of every day learning exactly what it is that keeps your customers up at night. Explore every aspect of their problem and understand it so intimately that it becomes a part of you.You need to understand their fears, their frustrations, and their limitations, then deliver something that exceeds anything they ever thought possible.When you want to create a superior product, spend your time listening. Not just to what’s being said on the surface, but read between the lines as well.You also need to know what specific outcome customers will achieve by using your product, and how it can improve their life.Only then can you truly understand how to create something that will be almost magical to the customer. Only then will they not be able to live without you. Only then will you make more money guaranteed.

30 blogs that make a LOT OF MONEY ONLINE

30 Blog’s That Make A Lot Of Money Online Rank Website OwnerMonthly Earnings Main Income 1 The Huffington Post Arianna Huffington $2,330,000 Pay Per Click 2 Mashable Pete Cashmore $560,000 Advertising Banners 3 Perez Hilton Mario Lavandeira $450,000 Advertising Banners 4 Techcrunch Michael Arrington $400,000 Advertising Banners 5 Smashing Magazine Vitaly Friedman $190,000 Advertising Banners 6 Timothy Sykes Timothy Sykes $150,000 Affiliate Sales 7 Gothamist Jake Dobkin $110,000 Pay Per Click 8 Tuts Plus Collis Taeed $110,000 Membership Area 9 Car Advice Alborz Fallah $70,000 Advertising Banners 10 Venture Beat Matt Marshall $62,000 Pay Per Click 11 Slash Gear Ewdison Then $60,000 Pay Per Click 12 Life Hacker Nick Denton $60,000 Advertising Banners 13 Dooce Heather B. Armstrong $50,000 Pay Per Click 14 Steve Pavlina Steve Pavlina $45,000 Pay Per Click 15 Talking Point Memo Joshua Micah Marshall $45,000 Advertising Banners 16 Problogger Darren Rowse $40,000 Advertising Banners 17 Kotaku Nick Denton $32,000 Advertising Banners 18 Shoemoney Jeremy Schoemaker $30,000 Private Advertising 19 Coolest Gadgets Allan Carlton $30,000 Advertising Banners 20 JohnChow John Chow $29,000 Affiliate Sales 21 SmartPassiveIncome Pat Flynn $21,500 Affiliate Commissions 22 Joystiq AOL $18,000 CPM Advertising 23 PC Mech David Risley $16,000 Affiliate Sales 24 Freelance Switch Collis Ta’eed $15,000 Membership Area 25 Abduzeedo Fabio Sasso $12,000 Advertising Banners 26 Sizlopedia Saad Hamid $11,000 Pay Per Click 27 Overhead in New York Michael Malice $9,000 Advertising Banners 28 Six Revisions Jacob Gube $9,000 Advertising Banners 29 Noupe Noupe $8,000 Advertising Banners 30 Retire at 21 Michael Dunlop $5,000 Affiliate Sales


Here's an amazing, FREE lotto system - for playing and
winning lottery, lotto, or keno.

It's based on a remarkable mathematical fact about lotto
numbers and keno numbers. After you read it, you'll never look at the lottery
the old way again !

Let me ask you a question. Which bet would you rather take:
-guessing six lotto numbers between 1 and 50 ?or -guessing six
lotto numbers between 1 and 15 ?

Incredible as it seems, most WINNING LOTTO
NUMBERS can be mathematically represented as numbers between 1 and 15 !
This will take some explaining...

It's actually very simple. The idea occurred to me when I thought about
how a computer software program would store a winning lotto, keno or lottery
number on disk. Storage space is always an issue with computers, so data
compression is used whenever possible. To compress a lotto number, the software
might store the "delta" of each number instead of the lotto number

What's a delta? The delta is the difference
between a number and the previous number.

For example, look at this winning lotto number:

Now here is the same number, represented as deltas:

All the numbers are smaller, yet it still represents, and can be converted
back into the same winning lotto number!

I created this number by subtracting each of the lotto numbers from the
number right before it. The first number is still three because there is no
number previous to three. For the second number, 9-3=6, third number, 18-9=9,
fourth number, 19-18=1, fifth number, 27-19=8 , and sixth number,

To turn the delta numbers back into the original winning lotto number or
keno number, we do a series of simple additions, always adding the result of the
addition just done to the next number in the series: The first number is 3,
second number, 3+6=9, third number, 9+9=18, fourth number, 18+1=19, fifth
number,19+8=27, sixth number, 27+6=33.

It means that you can pick lotto numbers and keno numbers by guessing
numbers between 1 and 15 instead of 1 and 50! Numbers higher than 15 will occur,
but 90% of the time they don't! Please bear in mind that all the examples on
this page assume a six-digit game, with numbers from 1 - 50.

The values in these
examples will vary, based on your game (the Analysis
software can adjust these values automatically.)

It works because the smaller numbers represent the typical distribution of winning keno and lotto numbers.

other words, in a six digit game like this, the numbers are usually spaced 1-15
digits from each other. Since this spacing stays somewhat consistent from
winning number to winning number, our scheme to represent them as smaller delta
numbers works.

By guessing deltas that follow our rules instead of guessing the keno or
lotto numbers themselves, your guess will have the same number distribution
characteristics as other winning numbers. Does this give you an advantage? Well,
read on.


I studied the distribution of delta numbers in a year's worth of winning
numbers from the New York, California and Michigan lotteries. When I did this, I
discovered something exciting but at first, truly
puzzling. They are not randomly distributed, but
instead have a clear bias toward smaller numbers!
Hard to believe? Check out some of the raw data yourself by clicking HERE.
This chart shows the distribution of delta numbers in several months'
worth of Michigan lotto drawings:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 02 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
03 ++++++++++++++++++++ 04 +++++++++++++++++++++++ 05
+++++++++++++++++++++++ 06 +++++++++++++++++ 07 ++++++++++++++++++++
08 ++++++++++ 09 +++++++++++ 10 ++++++++++ 11 +++++ 12
+++++++++++ 13 ++++++ 14 ++++++++ 15 ++++ 16 ++++++ 17 ++++
18 + 19 ++ 20 +++++ 21 ++ 222324
It turns out that nearly 60% of the time, a delta calculated from a
winning number will be SIX or less! 30% of the time,
the delta will be THREE or less!

In fact, ONE is the single most popular number,
occurring almost 15% of the time. That translates to more than half the time in any given six-number pick.

The predominance of the number ONE means that adjacent
number pairing in winning lotto numbers must be quite common (and it is quite
common, just look at any series of winning lotto numbers.)

Therefore, most of the Delta numbers you will be guessing can be picked
from an even smaller set of numbers!

Why the low number bias exists in our calculated delta numbers is a
challenge to explain. I expected to find a nice even distribution, perhaps
clustered around 7 or 8, since that would be the average spacing when 50 is
divided by six numbers.

Instead, I see numbers below 8 coming up much more often. Why?
Well, there are valid statistical reasons this happens. When you consider
that the sum of all the Deltas have to add up to the highest lotto digit, it's
apparent that there isn't room for many large numbers.

But the patterns I'm seeing still often seem out-of-the-ordinary. One possibility is that the balls
in many lotto picking machines at times do not thoroughly
mix. The excess of small delta numbers, and especially the predominance
of ONE, mean that balls that went in the lotto
machine next to each other are coming up together!
It's not obvious in the lotto numbers themselves, but the delta calculation
reveals the pattern.

To visualize this, imagine a lotto number machine where the balls all
enter lined up in numerical order (like they do here in Michigan.) Now imagine
that the numbers are picked without mixing the balls.
What would happen? Well the picks would still be somewhat random, of course. But
the balls nearest the exit ports of the machine would be the ones most likely to
be picked. And All the balls near the exit port are consecutive numbers, since
that's how they went into the machine. You might not know what numbers they are.
But if you track Deltas, those number pairs would show up as ones. Now, this is an extreme example. But if
the balls don't mix enough, you can see how some of these tendencies could
Lending support to this theory are apparent trends (look at the raw data) in the frequency of number ONE in the deltas. The beginning of the chart shows lots of
ones. Later on, they taper off, then start appearing more often again. This sort
of behavior might occur with changes in the operation of the lotto machine.
Perhaps some weeks the balls are allowed to mix longer than at other times,
owing to TV schedules or other factors. An astute observer might pay attention
to these trends and play lots of adjacent pairs when there are many delta ONEs coming up.
A computer program would be ideal for tracking such delta pattern trends.
So I made one! Check it out HERE. You can take a
tour of its features HERE.
Need some "hands-on" proof that this works? Click HERE. Or see our new lottery
video, HERE.

Okay, here's how you guess numbers for a six-digit, 1 to 50 lotto game. If
your game is similar to this, it'll work fine. The program Analysis Lotto can adjust these rules to match your
particular lotto or keno game.
Remember that, unlike guessing a lotto number, your delta series can
contain the same number more than once, and the delta numbers are not necessarily ordered in ascending (lowest to highest)
fashion. Your guess can contain one number higher than 15, but it's better to
stick with the numbers 1-15. Why? Nine out of ten delta numbers will be 15 or
less. This means that at least half the time, there will be no delta number
greater than 15 in a given six-number-pick. As there are more possible numbers
greater than 15 than there are numbers less than 15, its just better strategy to
focus your guesses on those cases where the odds are in your favor.
For the best odds, keep at least half of your numbers very low, maybe 8 or
less. Remember the delta number ONE occurs somewhere
at least once in most (but not all) winning numbers.
Also, the sum of the numbers in your guess must not exceed the highest
number allowed in the lotto game you are playing (for most lotto games,
somewhere close to 50).
In fact, the odds are highest that the sum of all the deltas
in a winning number will be within 15 of the highest number
After you guess, randomly mix up your delta numbers ,and turn them into a
lotto number by following the addition sequence.
When the winning number is announced, even if you don't win, turn it into
a delta number and compare it to the delta of the number you picked to see how
close you really were!


Welcome to Roulette Advantage. Roulette is a fascinating game and one which few have been able to beat successfully. The reason being that the house edge is nearly impossible to overcome in a random scenario. But what if you knew about a flaw in the formula that generates these random numbers at a specific Casino? That would make the numbers not entirely random. If you knew about such a flaw, you could easily exploit it to win without having to worry about the house edge. I was a programmer for a Casino a little while back and noticed something in their Roulette code that did not make much sense. A certain event was actually programmed to never occur. Apparently, the intentions of the original developer was to avoid situations that could cause players to doubt the randomness of the game. In doing so, however, he created an exploitable flaw that could allow an observant player to easily win. This flaw has yet to be corrected and I have my reasons for making it public. Not all of you will go through with this and that is why it will continue to be exploited by the few of us who do. Click below to learn about this flaw.THE FLAW To the untrained or unobservant eye, this flaw would be nearly impossible to find without knowing where to look. It occurs with the Column Dozen bets (High/Medium/Low). To ensure you understand what these bets are, I have illustrated them below:1) This is a bet on “Low”. You win if any number from 1-12 (Inclusive) comes in. 2) This is a bet on “Middle”. You win if any number from 13-24 (Inclusive) comes in.3) This is a bet on “High”. You win if any number from 25-36 (Inclusive) comes in. The event that is programmed to NEVER occur is for a 'High', 'Medium', or 'Low' number to NOT appear for more than 15 consecutive spins. In other words, the flaw in the code is that at least ONE 'High', 'Medium', and 'Low' number MUST always appear in 16 consecutive spins. You may already be guessing how you can exploit this, but please click below to learn the best way of exploiting this successfully.Note: This flaw DOES NOT occur in Play-money mode since the spins are generated locally by your computer. EXPLOITING THE FLAWAs you may have guessed, the best way to exploit this flaw is to use a progression to ensure you are covered for the consecutive spins necessary for the column dozen you are betting on to win. If you follow my instructions, you are guaranteed to win between $1 and $3 for every winning number, regardless of how many losing ones you have had.Start by printing off this spreadsheet document, and keeping it next to you, with a pen or pencil. The document should look something like this: The idea with this is to keep a precise record of exactly how the table you are betting on is ‘Running' with regards to the column dozen bets. There is no point in betting at random, so please, be accurate with this. What you need to do is every time you spin the wheel, record whether a ‘Low,' (L) ‘Middle' (M), ‘High' (H), or 'Zero' (0) number drops in.For example, if you are on a table and spin the wheel ten times, and the following numbers drop in: 04, 11, 36, 14, 20, 25, 02, 33, 13, 16, your table would look like this:When you begin to play Roulette, DO NOT place ANY bets at all. This is very important Patience is the key now. Keep spinning the wheel and recording what numbers drop in on your table. What you are waiting for is a consecutive run where 1 of the sections of number has not come in for 5 spins. This way, instead of requiring a prohibitively expensive 16 step progression, you will only need an 11 step progression as you will see further below. For example, say the following numbers now drop into the above table: 32, 17. The table now looks like this:A ‘Low' number (L) HAS NOT dropped in for FIVE consecutive spins. It is time to start betting on the 'Low' column dozen..Place bet number 1 on the ‘Low' section of the board (if unsure, check diagram on the previous page). Spin the wheel. If a low number drops in, congratulations, you are now in profit. If not, do not worry. Place bet number 2 on ‘Low'. Again, if you win, well done, you are in profit. If not, don't worry, place bet number 3 on ‘Low'. Keep placing the bets until you win. By doing this, and sticking to the staking plan shown on the left, you will never lose when your number drops in since every column dozen has to win at least once in 16 consecutive spins. You must be precise though.I know that the gains do not appear to be a lot per bet, but as it is possible to lay up to 70 bets in an hour, your money will soon add up. Think about it. I make more with this than they were paying me and all it takes is a bit of time and discipline.I realize that a few of you may be confused by this, but don't worry, read through it again a few times and it will become clear. That really is how simple this System is. Now that you know how to exploit this flaw, learn where the flaw occurs.


The year 2008 marked the last of God’s warnings to mankind and
the beginning in a countdown of the final three and one-half years of man’s
self-rule that will end by May 27, 2012.On December 14, 2008, the First
Trumpet of the Seventh Seal of the Book of Revelation sounded, which announced
the beginning collapse of the economy of the United States and great destruction
that will follow.

The next three trumpets will result in the total collapse of
the United States, and once the Fifth Trumpet sounds the world will be thrust
into WW III. The Seven Trumpets of the Seventh Seal, as well as the
Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation (which the apostle John saw but was
restricted from recording) are revealed in this book. Many of the
prophecies of the Seven Thunders are being fulfilled and will continue to
increase in strength and frequency throughout this final three and one-half
years of man's self-rule on earth.

The prophecies revealed in this book
explain the demise of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great
Britain, and much of western Europe, which will be followed by man's final world
war. This last war will be the result of clashing religions and the governments
they sway.

Billions will die!

The destruction of this time will far exceed the
very worst times of all human history. As these events unfold, the world
will increasingly become aware of the authenticity of the words in this book and
realize that Ronald Weinland has been sent by God as His end-time

This book is primarily directed to the people of the three major
religions of the world (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), whose roots are in the
God of Abraham. Ronald Weinland has been sent to all three.

2012 is it the END

The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs according to which cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012. This date is regarded as the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar.

Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae have been proposed as pertaining to this date, though none have been accepted by mainstream scholarship.A New Age interpretation of this transition is that this date marks the start of time in which Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era.

Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world include the arrival of the next solar maximum, or Earth's collision with a black hole, passing asteroid or a planet called "Nibiru".Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of such cataclysmic events occurring in 2012. Professional Mayanist scholars state that predictions of impending doom are not found in any of the extant classic Maya accounts, and that the idea that the Long Count calendar "ends" in 2012 misrepresents Maya history and culture.

Astronomers and other scientists have rejected the proposed events as pseudoscience, stating that they are contradicted by simple astronomical observations.

The Amazing Story behind the 256 Year-Old Man

According to the 1933 obituaries in both Time Magazine and the New York Times, Li Ching-Yun was reported to have buried 23 wives and fostered 180 descendants by the time he died at the age of 256.

Was he really that old? Could he have forgotten his own birthday or exaggerated his claim? Environmental Graffiti investigates.The Secrets to an Interminable Life"Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog." These were the words of advice Li gave to Wu Pei-fu, the warlord, who took Li into his house to learn the secret of extremely long life.Li maintained that inward calm and peace of mind were the secrets to incredible longevity.

His diet after all, was mainly based on rice and wine.From 0 to 256Unsurprisingly, not much is known about Li Ching-Yun’s early life. We know he was born in the province of Szechwan in China, where he also died. We also know that by his tenth birthday, Ching-Yun was literate and had travelled to Kansu, Shansi, Tibet, Annam, Siam and Manchuria gathering herbs. After that, it gets a bit fuzzy…Apparently, for over one hundred years, Li continued selling his own herbs and then subsequently sold herbs collected by others. He also (according to Time) had six-inch long fingernails on his right hand.

You might be thinking that he looked decrepit, shrivelled, leather-like and creepy, however sources at the time were astonished at his youthfulness. Was this suspect? Was Li Ching-Yun as old as he claimed he was, or was his birthday a clerical error or exaggeration?Let’s take a brief look at both sides…The Nine Lives of Li Ching-YunBy his own admission he was born in 1736 and had lived 197 years. However, in 1930 a professor and dean at Minkuo University by the name of Wu Chung-chien, found records “proving” that Li was born in 1677.

Records allegedly showed that the Imperial Chinese Government congratulated him on his 150th and 200th Birthdays.So the question is, had he forgotten his own birthday? Was this even the same Li Ching-Yun?Looking at all of this from a medical and documented perspective: Jeanne Louise Calment, a French woman who died in 1997 so far holds the title for the person who has roamed the earth the longest: 122 years, which is a phenomenal length of time.

That means, that if the records discovered by Wu Chung-chien were accurate, Li Ching-Yun’s age would surpass the official record by more than 130 years. Is this even medically possible?The detail, which seems to prove both arguments and debunk them at the same time, is Li’s youthful appearance, noted in a 1928 article from the New York Times.

Visually and physically, he appeared to look like a typical 60 year-old. Does this therefore signify a superhuman body capable of lasting one quarter of a millennium, or is the story of Li Ching-Yun based on a series of half-truths, lies or exaggerations?

Liverpool will beat Cardiff City in Carling Cup Final

Liverpool are going to win this year's Carling Cup Final against Cardiff City.

Tickets for the event are now on sale and the game is to be played at Wembley Stadium.

Holoway says different

BLACKPOOL boss Ian Holloway is desperate to see Cardiff City beat Liverpool at Wembley and win the Carling Cup.Holloway talked up the prospects of the Bluebirds, even though his Tangerines put a dent in their Premier League push with Saturday’s 3-1 win.Despite that result, Holloway says he rates Cardiff among the leading clubs in Championship football, saying: “They deserved to win their Carling Cup semi-final against Crystal Palace and I am looking forward to watching the final.

“It would be fantastic if Cardiff win the trophy. This is a growing club and they have a clever manager in Malky Mackay.“He has brought in players who are hungry and up for the challenge. They aren’t showing any of the disappointment this club had been beginning to show after failing to earn promotion over the last few seasons.

“It’s difficult for Cardiff because their near neighbours Swansea City are doing so well, but their team this season is as strong if not stronger than before.“Malky has brought in good players, quality signings and some of them we hadn’t heard of. He has got them going and has them motivated.

Oh and btw clicking adverts earns you money.

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Etching - Etching
is the process of using strong acid or mordant to cut into the unprotected
parts of a metal surface to create a design in intaglio in the metal (the
original process—in modern manufacturing other chemicals may be used on other
types of material). As an intaglio method of printmaking it is, along with
engraving, the most important technique for old master prints, and remains
widely used today. Instead of carving an image into the metal
which could leave rough edges etc a strong acid is used to create an image. (Wikipedia – 27th
Sep 2010 Online)

Intaglio printing: a printing process that uses an
etched or engraved plate; the plate is smeared with ink and wiped clean, and
then the ink left in the recesses makes the print. Basically an image is carved into the block
almost like a template. The template is then filled with excess ink while the
rest of the ink is wiped off. This can then be used like a stamp to create an
intaglio print. (Online Dictionary – 27th Sep 2010 Online)
Linocut – Is a relief print produced in a
manner similar to woodcut. The lino block consists of a thin layer of linoleum
(a canvas backing coated with a preparation of solidified linseed oil) usually
mounted on wood. The soft linoleum can be cut away more easily than a
wood-block and in any direction (no grain) to produce a raised surface that can
be inked and printed. Its slightly textured surface accepts ink evenly.
Linoleum was invented in the nineteenth century as a floor covering; it became
popular with artists and amateurs for printmaking in the twentieth century. Instead
of carving into the lino similar to other methods this involves carving around
the image creating a raised image in the lino which will then be covered in ink
or paint and pressed against another surface to create an image. (
27th Sep 2010 Online)

Print - Screen
printing or silk screening is a printing technique particularly suited for flat
or relatively flat surfaces. The heart of the process involves a fine mesh or
screen that is tightly stretched around a rigid frame. The areas that are not
to be printed are masked out on the screen. To create the print, the framed
screen is positioned over the item to be printed along with a dollop of thick
ink. A squeegee is then used to press the ink through the screen. The masked
areas prevent ink from passing through, but the unmasked areas allow the
ink to be imprinted on the material. The final step is to send the item on a
conveyor belt through a heat-tunnel. Screen
printing involves taking a piece of mesh which can be made from steel, nylon or
polyester. They even used to use human hair. Areas are then block off to form a
non permeable material which means that it will not allow the ink or paint
through, thus forming a stencil type device. The ink will then appear in the
open spaces. The stencil is then laid onto a material such as paper or fabric
and a roller is then used to push the ink into the open spaces forming an
image. ( 27th Sep 2010 Online)
Woodcut - Woodcut—formally known as xylography—is a relief printing artistic technique in printmaking
in which an image is carved into the surface of a block of wood, with the
printing parts remaining level with the surface while the non-printing parts
are removed, typically with gouges. The areas to show 'white' are cut away with
a knife or chisel, leaving the characters or image to show in 'black' at the
original surface level.
The surface is covered with ink by
rolling over the surface with an ink-covered roller (brayer), leaving ink upon
the flat surface but not in the non-printing areas.
Multiple colours can be printed by
keying the paper to a frame around the woodblocks (where a different block is
used for each colour. Woodcut is similar to linocut. Instead of
carving the image into the surface and filling the gaps with ink, you cut in a
way that the image is still level with the surface of the block. This is then
inked or painted and pressed down to create a print. (Wikipedia
Article 27th Sep 2010 Online)
- Lithography
refers to a lithograph print that is made from an image which has been applied
to a flat surface. Traditionally this flat surface was a specially prepared
lime stone, but today grained aluminium-printing plates and the original stones
are used. The process is based on the fact that oil repels water. An image is
drawn, painted or photographically applied the stone or plate using a greasy
medium. The image will repel water and accept ink. Lithographic inks are oil
The plate is placed on a
special press and is then rolled up with either leather or rubber rollers.
Paper is then placed on the print and is run through the press by hand. Like many
other printing processes one colour at a time is printed.
flat surface of the plate or stone is slightly roughened, or etched, and
divided into hydrophilic regions that accept a film of water and thereby repel
the greasy ink, and hydrophobic regions that repel water and accept ink because
the surface tension is higher on the greasier image area which remains dry. The
image may be printed directly from the stone or plate. This process is
different from gravure or intaglio printing where a plate is engraved, etched
or stippled to make cavities to contain the printing ink and in woodblock
printing and letterpress where ink is applied to the raised surfaces of letters
or images. (
27th Sep 2010 Online)

second type of printing:
- Letterpress
is a term for the relief printing of text and image using a press with a
"type-high bed" printing press and movable type, in which a reversed,
raised surface is inked and then pressed into a sheet of paper to obtain a
positive right-reading image. It was the normal form of printing text from its
invention by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century until the 19th century
and remained in wide use for books and other uses until the second half of the
20th century. In addition to the direct impression of inked movable type onto
paper or another receptive surface, the term Letterpress can also refer to the
direct impression of inked printmaking blocks such as photo-etched zinc
"cuts" (plates), linoleum blocks, wood engravings, etc. using such a
press. (Wikipedia 27th Sep 2010 Online)
Gravure – Rotogravure
(roto or gravure for short) is a type of intaglio printing
process, that is, it involves engraving the image onto an image carrier. In
gravure printing, the image is engraved onto a copper cylinder because, like
offset and flexography, it uses a rotary printing press. The vast majority of
gravure presses print on rolls (also known as webs) of paper, rather than
sheets of paper. (Sheet fed gravure is a small, specialty market.) Rotary
gravure presses are the fastest and widest presses in operation, printing
everything from narrow labels to 12 feet (4 m)-wide rolls of vinyl
Typical gravure printed products include:
Food packaging
Wall paper
Wrapping paper
Furniture laminates
Greeting cards

27th Sep 2010 Online Article)
Screen Process - SILK SCREEN PRINTING has its origins in
Japanese stencilling, but the screen printing process that we know today
probably stems from the patents taken out by Samuel Simon of Manchester at the
turn of the century. He used silk stretched on frames to support hand painted
stencils, a process also used by William Morris. In 1914 John Pilsworth of San
Francisco also took out a patent for multicolour printing, using the screen
During the First World War in America screen printing took off as an industrial
printing process; it was mainly used at first for flags and banners but also
for 'point of sale' advertising in the chain stores in America, which were
appearing around that time.
Around this time the invention of the photographic stencil revolutionised the
process; in the following years, obviously improvements were made in the
presses, inks and chemicals used, but apart from the introduction of computer
technology in the 1980's - in the pre-press side of screen-printing - very
little else has changed since.

How does it work? The
equivalent of the printing plate for the screen printer is the SCREEN - a
wooden or aluminium frame with a fine nylon MESH stretched over it. The MESH is
coated with a light sensitive emulsion or film, which - when dry - will block
the holes in the mesh. The image that needs to be printed is output to film
either by camera or image-setter. This film positive and the mesh on the screen
are sandwiched together and exposed to ultra-violet light in a device called a
print-down frame. The screen is then washed with a jet of water which washes
away all the light sensitive emulsion that has not been hardened by the
ultra-violet light. This leaves you with an open stencil which corresponds
exactly to the image that was supplied on the film. Now the screen is fitted on
the press and is hinged so it can be raised and lowered. The substrate to be
printed is placed in position under the screen and ink is placed on the top
side of the screen, (the frame acts also as wall to contain the ink). A rubber
blade gripped in a wooden or metal handle called a SQUEEGEE (not unlike a giant
wind-screen wiper) is pulled across the top of the screen; it pushes the ink
through the mesh onto the surface of the substrate you are printing. To repeat
the process the squeegee floods the screen again with a return stroke before
printing the next impression. ( last edit 01.08.2010 collected on:
27th Sep 2010 Online)

Digital Printing
Laser Printing – A laser
printer is a computer printer that produces high resolution output by means of
a process that is similar to photocopying. In place of reflected light from an
image a laser printer uses information sent from a computer to turn a laser
beam on and off rapidly as it scans a charged drum. The drum then attracts
toner powder to the areas not exposed to light. Finally the toner is fused to
paper over a belt by heated rollers. In a write-black printer the laser
positively charges the printed areas to attract the toner which gives better
detail than a write-white printer. In a write-white printer the beam negatively
charges the areas not to be printed to repel the toner, which gives a denser
image. Faster, quieter and capable of producing more attractive results than
standard printers, laser printers have become an important means of printing
business documents since they became generally more available for personal
computers. ( 27th Sep 2010 Online)

Inkjet - An inkjet printer
is a type of computer printer that creates a digital image by propelling
variably-sized droplets of liquid material (ink) onto a page. Inkjet printers
are the most common type of printer and
range from small inexpensive consumer models to very large and expensive
professional machines.
concept of inkjet printing dates back to the 19th century and the technology
was first developed in the early 1950s. Starting in the late 1970s inkjet
printers that could reproduce digital images generated by computers were
developed, mainly by Epson, Hewlett-Packard and Canon. In the worldwide
consumer market, four manufacturers account for the majority of inkjet printer
sales: Canon, Hewlett-Packard, Epson, and Lexmark (Wikipedia 27th Sep 2010 Online)

Web - Web offset is a
form of offset printing in which a continuous roll of paper is fed through the
printing press. Pages are separated and cut to size after they have been
printed. Web offset printing is used for high-volume publications such as
mass-market books, magazines, newspapers, catalogs and brochures.
are two methods of web offset printing, known as heat set and cold set (or
non-heat set). In the heat set process, the ink is dried rapidly by forced-air
heating. In the non-heat set or cold set process, the ink dries more slowly by
ordinary evaporation and absorption.
web offset presses transfer text and images to only one side of the print
medium at a time. Others can print on both sides simultaneously. The paper
width is usually between 11 and 56 inches (approximately 28 and 142
centimetres). The paper is fed through the system at speeds ranging from 5 to
50 feet per second (approximately 1.5 to 15 meters per second). (
27 Sep 2010 Online)
Desktop Publishing - Desktop
publishing began in 1985 with the introduction of Mac Publisher, the first
WYSIWYG layout program, which ran on the original 128K Macintosh computer. Desktop
typesetting, with only limited page makeup facilities, had arrived in
1978–9 with the introduction of TeX, and was extended in the early 1980s by
LaTeX.) The DTP market exploded in 1985 with the introduction in January of the
Apple LaserWriter printer, and later in July with the introduction of PageMaker
software from Aldus which rapidly became the DTP industry standard software.
Desktop publishing is the
use of the computer and software to create visual displays of ideas and
information. Desktop publishing documents may be for desktop or commercial
printing or electronic distribution including PDF, slide shows, email
newsletters, and the Web.
TRADITIONAL DEFINITION: Desktop publishing is the use of the computer and
specialized software to create documents for desktop or commercial printing.
Desktop publishing refers to the process of using the computer to produce
documents such as newsletters, brochures, books, and other publications that
were once created manually using a variety of non-computer techniques along
with large complex phototypesetting machines. Today desktop publishing software
does it all - almost. But before PageMaker and other desktop publishing software
there were e-scales, paste-up, and other non-desktop computer ways of putting
together a design for printing.

Make money from Absolutely Nothing

Make money from absolutely nothing

Hello all. You've probably
decided to read this in the hope that i can offer you a way of making free
money from nothing. Sadly i can't. But what I can do is set you a challenge
that i have come across elsewhere which I will be personally taking up myself,
in the hope of making some money from nothing.

We have all scoured the web and
found scam upon scam but have no real structure or plan when
trying to make some real money and we never stick to it. Most of us give
up after finding a few scam websites followed by a few more and then when you
finally do find one you like, you end up with only pennies in your back pocket.
However there is a way to give yourself some motivation.

I came across a rather
interesting idea that involves making money online without using any cash of
your own. If you're like me and like to set yourself a challenge then this is
the place to be. Firstly you need to set yourself an adequate amount of time to
complete the challenge. I suggest anywhere from 3 months to 6 months. Any more
than this may result in a lack of activity during your challenge.

The task is to try and make
£1000 from absolutely nothing in the time you have set yourself. Now how you go
about this is entirely up to you however one possibility for making your first
pound is to use paying survey sites. Now believe you me I am just as tired and
bored as you are or browsing google's endless list of websites offering money
for survey's etc. I've never stuck it out long enough to actually recieve a
payout so i cannot vouch for authenticity and will not attempt to refer you to
anyone in specific.

You should split your 6 months
into equal time slots, therefore setting yourself a reasonable target. Now the
challenge is to double your money within each of the time slots. Let me give
you an example. Week one you begin with nothing. I must stress using your own
money would be helpful but that way it won't be for nothing. Selling things on
Ebay that you havn't paid for yourself is acceptable,now I'm not
suggesting you hunt around and sell your old presents, maybe a free gift
perhaps. Anyway where was I, oh yes, week 1 you begin with nothing and set
yourself the challenge of making £1. Sounds small, however not as easy as you
may think. Once you have made your £1 or $1 within the deadline your next task
is to try and double it before your next deadline. This will result in having

Repeating this for each of your
deadlines will help you strive to double your money for the next deadline. The
pattern occuring that for every deadline you have set, you must double your
money for the next. Now the target is £1000 so you would begin by working out
how many times you can double your money to reach this target and this will
give you your time frame for each deadline. Obviously for different targets the
outcome will be different.

So for example i make £1 from a paid survey site.
Now i must ask myself how i am going to double this money before my next
deadline. Gambling websites may be for you if you are into that sort of thing
however it is easily tempting to spend all of your hard earned cash. Writing
blogs or publishing content as i am doing now is another way you may want to
make your money.

The challenge is not to have all of your money on one website.
This means that if you have earned £1 on a survey site and £1 on a betting
website you have therefore succeeded in doubling your money. Selling free
things on Ebay that you have received from others without cost is also
another very good way to obtain your total.

As you can see this may take up
a little bit of time and a lot of spare time however by setting yourself a
target you are really improving your chances of making money as you have
something to work towards. I myself will be attempting this challenge and i
therefore invite you all to do the same. We all want to make money, especially
for nothing, so this is the best method i could find to help you achieve it.

Good luck to all of you
desperate to make some money online from absolutely nothing.