Monday, 6 February 2012

Make money from Absolutely Nothing

Make money from absolutely nothing

Hello all. You've probably
decided to read this in the hope that i can offer you a way of making free
money from nothing. Sadly i can't. But what I can do is set you a challenge
that i have come across elsewhere which I will be personally taking up myself,
in the hope of making some money from nothing.

We have all scoured the web and
found scam upon scam but have no real structure or plan when
trying to make some real money and we never stick to it. Most of us give
up after finding a few scam websites followed by a few more and then when you
finally do find one you like, you end up with only pennies in your back pocket.
However there is a way to give yourself some motivation.

I came across a rather
interesting idea that involves making money online without using any cash of
your own. If you're like me and like to set yourself a challenge then this is
the place to be. Firstly you need to set yourself an adequate amount of time to
complete the challenge. I suggest anywhere from 3 months to 6 months. Any more
than this may result in a lack of activity during your challenge.

The task is to try and make
£1000 from absolutely nothing in the time you have set yourself. Now how you go
about this is entirely up to you however one possibility for making your first
pound is to use paying survey sites. Now believe you me I am just as tired and
bored as you are or browsing google's endless list of websites offering money
for survey's etc. I've never stuck it out long enough to actually recieve a
payout so i cannot vouch for authenticity and will not attempt to refer you to
anyone in specific.

You should split your 6 months
into equal time slots, therefore setting yourself a reasonable target. Now the
challenge is to double your money within each of the time slots. Let me give
you an example. Week one you begin with nothing. I must stress using your own
money would be helpful but that way it won't be for nothing. Selling things on
Ebay that you havn't paid for yourself is acceptable,now I'm not
suggesting you hunt around and sell your old presents, maybe a free gift
perhaps. Anyway where was I, oh yes, week 1 you begin with nothing and set
yourself the challenge of making £1. Sounds small, however not as easy as you
may think. Once you have made your £1 or $1 within the deadline your next task
is to try and double it before your next deadline. This will result in having

Repeating this for each of your
deadlines will help you strive to double your money for the next deadline. The
pattern occuring that for every deadline you have set, you must double your
money for the next. Now the target is £1000 so you would begin by working out
how many times you can double your money to reach this target and this will
give you your time frame for each deadline. Obviously for different targets the
outcome will be different.

So for example i make £1 from a paid survey site.
Now i must ask myself how i am going to double this money before my next
deadline. Gambling websites may be for you if you are into that sort of thing
however it is easily tempting to spend all of your hard earned cash. Writing
blogs or publishing content as i am doing now is another way you may want to
make your money.

The challenge is not to have all of your money on one website.
This means that if you have earned £1 on a survey site and £1 on a betting
website you have therefore succeeded in doubling your money. Selling free
things on Ebay that you have received from others without cost is also
another very good way to obtain your total.

As you can see this may take up
a little bit of time and a lot of spare time however by setting yourself a
target you are really improving your chances of making money as you have
something to work towards. I myself will be attempting this challenge and i
therefore invite you all to do the same. We all want to make money, especially
for nothing, so this is the best method i could find to help you achieve it.

Good luck to all of you
desperate to make some money online from absolutely nothing.

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