Wednesday 8 February 2012


There are so many of us who take breaks from the herb only to get back on it once we're feeling better.

I am listing all of the benefits that I have personally noticed since I have quit. My stats are: smoked off and on for 21 years (started at age 12), chronic for the last 5. I have not smoked in 31 days, and with the support of friends and family I hope to never go back to abusing the stuff.

Here are the benefits I have experienced. I invite you to add your own, or do your own inventory at home to keep you on track.

(Yes, I am aware that there is some overlap between different benefits I am listing.)

Clear thinking; breathe better; smoother mood transitions; sharper mental dexterity; more articulate; better memory; working through stress more effectively; increased energy levels;

reduced depression (after the first few weeks off); deeper interactions with others; no "bottomless pit" munching out; boosted confidence; no social anxiety; better focus on task at hand; enjoying simple pleasures more deeply; clear lungs;

no concern about hiding something from my son; less stress; increased faith in my ability to control myself; no risk of arrest or legal troubles; increased joy; renewed self-respect; more free time; need to sleep less; more free cash; confidence to try new things; increased humility: asking others for help; better partnership with my girlfriend;

better ability to learn and remember new songs (I'm a musician); can travel without paranoia of border checks; safer driving; ho hassles of finding good weed; no need to associate with shady dealers; not supporting organized crime; true bonds with friends rather than co-dependent drug abuse ties; better fitness level;

reduced consumption of resources (ex. hydro power to grow the weed, chemical sprays and fertilizers, lighters/matches, rolling papers); new doors opening to spirit world (somewhere I only used to get to via cannabis); increased self-confidence to be "alternative" in ways other than drug use; confidence to take on any task I set my mind to; ability to strike up conversation with anyone I choose without fear or insecurity; no paranoia; increased motivation for self-improvement; feeling of wholeness that is not reliant on an external source.

That's over 40 benefits that I have encountered. I'd love to hear yours. I know that people who are struggling through the early days of withdrawal can use all the encouragement they can get, so please keep them coming!

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